About the Project
We have worked with Hanover Displays since 2006, initially being asked to take over the servicing of their existing Air Conditioning Systems as they felt their existing contractor wasn’t doing it properly & seemed unable to repair a system which had been faulty since they had installed it. On our first visit we found a leak on one of the outdoor bolt connections, fixed the leak and the system has been trouble free ever since, impressed with our work we were given a maintenance contract for 6 monthly visits in order to keep their systems clean & trouble free.
When Hanover Displays planned to extend their offices in 2012/13 we were asked to install Air Conditioning / Heating Systems into the new offices. The client had also undertaken a work productivity performance review & noticed that work productivity fell as the working day progressed, we suggested this may be as a result of ‘Sick Building Syndrome’ and in particular could be a result of high CO2 levels in the afternoon (windows were very rarely opened), the client then monitored CO2 levels and sure enough CO2 levels increased as the working day progressed.
We were then tasked with solving the increased CO2 issues and suggested that the client have Heat Recovery Fresh Air Ventilation Systems installed throughout their new offices as well as Air Conditioning / Heating Systems (the idea being that stale CO2 laden air is removed and replaced with Fresh Air). Our brief was to install Energy Efficient Systems as they were embarking on an Energy Efficiency Drive (as part of the works all lighting for the new offices was to be LED highly efficient lighting) & they wanted us to install the most efficient systems currently on the market.
We chose to install systems from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) as they were all A/A Energy Rated and we could offer the client an industry leading 5years warranty.
With the initial installation completed, Climachill has continued to provide site maintenance and 6monthly maintenance contract visits.
Hanover Displays now enjoy the benefits of an Energy Efficient Cooling / Heating System as well as having Heat Recovered Fresh Air being pumped throughout their new offices to keep staff in tip top condition throughout the working day.